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purple chai

I guess when my time finally comes to go, I'll be wearing jeans, a t-shirt, a big denim shirt over that, and sneakers or crocs. Even if I'm 80. If I wore something else I wouldn't recognize myself in the mirror.


As it happened, I *liked* the "dress for success" look when it was popular. I did not wear it when it wouldn't have been appropriate.

How you dress is completely your own business. And guys who wear baseball caps for every occasion are bad enough, besides needing a reminder to take off their hats indoors. (What d'ya think -- gray or bald?)


You should see ME on the weekend; you would feel like a total fashion plate. Right now I'm in grungy shorts and a t-shirt with pieces of lawn all over my legs. And I would go up to get a coffee, just like this--if it weren't 72 degrees here. Doesn't that condescending and officious man know that you're NOT SUPPOSED TO WEAR A HAT INDOORS? He needs to bone up on his own dress etiquette!


As the youngest commenter so far I will say to this person, "MYOFBDB." As long as you're wearing a bra, you're okay. My only fashion rule is that underwear is a part of the uniform.


No major stains visible on the clothes, no underwear showing. Those are my only rules. When we go into a facility, we're supposed to dress to match the dress code of the facility. Except every facility I've been to has a uniform or scrubs. We don't have a uniform, and we have a hard enough time explaining "nonmedical" without showing up in scrubs. Lately I've been wearing my oldest jeans. I'm spending my days on my hands and knees oiling a teakwood floor! I'm not about to ruin my few pairs of better pants.

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